National Nurses Week Spotlight #2

In honor of National Nurses Week, Southern Cancer Center is highlighting the incredible people we are lucky enough to call our SCC nursing family.

Meet Donna Garner & Leona Lenaz, CRNP. No question Rebecca is the definition of a graceful spirit. And serving as Dr. Meshad’s physician nurse, you know she has a heart of gold as well! Leona is the newest member of Dr. Meshad’s team and the most recent nurse practitioner to join the SCC family. She’s witty, genuine and the perfect complement to the rest of our providers. Thank you, ladies, for your dedication.

Meet Ruth Miller. A staple at our Baldwin County clinics, we can confidently say that Ruth is one of the most loving nurses you will ever meet. Although she spent over 20 years caring for adult critical care patients, she feels she’s right where she belongs, at home at Southern Cancer Center. “I never saw myself in oncology, but truly, God opened this door and kicked me in. I feel that I’m finally where He has been leading me to be. No other field has allowed me to touch patients and their families as I do now.” Thank you, Ruth, for your many years (and counting) of service to your patients and to everyone around you.

Meet Diane Raudnael, Kim Downs, James Alter. Foley is phenomenal. With Diane’s New York accent and outgoing personality, she’s sure to leave an impression. She’s an advocate for her patients and takes pride in preparing for their appointment. Kim’s big blue eyes and bright smile are sure to make her patients feel welcomed. She’s a whiz at IVs and has years of nursing experience, ensuring patients feel confident in her care. Bringing much-needed balance to a woman’s world, James is a master at easing patient anxiety through his authentic (and often comedic) conversations. Be sure to check out his cowboy’s boots, he just loves rocking those in the clinic. Thank you to these fabulous infusion nurses.

Meet Louise Teague & Duane Methvin. The tender loving care patients receive from Louise and Duane is boundless and pure. This fantastic duo serves as part of the infusion nursing team at our Daphne clinic. Though a bit newer to Southern Cancer Center, both Louise and Duane have fully embraced their patients and provided them with the utmost care and respect. Thank you for your hard work.

Meet Stephanie Fouts, CRNP & Monica Darby. Some days the only way to get through life is simply to laugh, at yourself and at each other. This duo is no exception. As Dr. Heller’s nurse practitioner and physician nurse, Stephanie and Monica continue to bring the sunshine and smiles, while also raising the bar for exceptional care. Thank you for your joy, ladies, and for giving Dr. Heller a little sass when he needs it.

Meet Beth Rodrigues, Susan Sylvia & Regena Price. Fresh off their Mobile Bay Magazine feature, we’d be remised if we didn’t give a nod to the powerhouse leaders of our clinical teams. Beth serves as a nursing supervisor for Baldwin County, Susan as a nursing supervisor for Mobile, and Regena is our director of clinical services. Thank you, ladies, for your leadership.

Meet Pamela Cox & Michelle Sanford, CRNP. The encouragement and gentle touch you receive from Dr. Uzel’s team is second to none. Serving as a physician nurse, Pam walks alongside her patients, cheering them on through each step of their journey. Her comforting, easygoing personality reassures patients they are in good hands. Michelle oversees our genetic counseling program in Mobile and serves as Dr. Uzel’s nurse practitioner. She’s an amazingly kindhearted spirit, a tremendously gifted artist and also a newlywed. Thank you both for your devotion to your patients.

Meet Karla Childers & Deana Waldrup. Without cancer research and clinical trials, there could be no advancements in cancer treatment. Thanks to our director of research, Karla, and clinical research coordinator, Deana, SCC plays a leading role in accessing the newest treatment options available. These ladies are as compassionate as they are determined to find the best drugs and therapies out there, and bring them home right here to our patients. Thank you for your loving hands and hard work.