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Bread Bite words of encouragement

Continuing our weekly series of sharing encouraging words, here is your Southern Cancer Center Friday “Bread Bite” brought to you by Pastor Daniel Blaylock from Forest Hill Church of God in Mobile, Alabama.

Pastor Daniel-
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV)

My prayer for you today is that you will take heart and allow this small, power-packed verse to breathe fresh life into your faith. Just LOOK at all the promises contained in this little verse:

  1. “I am with you” – God is not “social distancing”. He is in the thick of the current crisis walking beside you.
  2. “I am your God” – He’s not just the God of the whole universe, He’s your God. He is for you and His help is available to you.
  3. “I will strengthen you” – He knows how exhausted you are and that you must push through, so He provides His strength.
  4. “…and help you” – Whatever you might need, He’s here to provide encouragement, comfort, strength, provision and peace.
  5. “I will uphold you” – He won’t let you collapse if you’ll lean into Him and trust Him for His supernatural power to make you stand.

What’s the take-away?
”So do not fear…do not be dismayed”. Don’t let anxiety or discouragement overwhelm your heart today. God keeps His promises!