Bread Bite: The Called
Changing up our weekly motivational message, we’re moving our Southern Cancer Center “Bread Bite” series to Mondays to get your week started down a positive, inspiring path. Today’s message is from Pastor Chad Price of Forest Hill Church of God in Mobile, Alabama.
Pastor Chad-
Today your encouragement comes from the Book of Romans chapter 8, verse 28 where it says: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Who doesn’t love reading this verse? If you’ve been churched at all in your life or even on the fringes, you’ve more than likely heard this verse quoted at some point. For many of us, what we notice most about this scripture is the first part; the “things working together” part. As you read on, however, you must notice that yes, all things do work together for good to those who love God AND to those who are THE CALLED. I believe wholeheartedly that you don’t have to preach in a pulpit to be called. You don’t have to be on a foreign missionary field to be called either. I believe that the Lord calls each of us into a life of service that far exceeds the boundaries of traditional ministry. Many are called to be stay at home parents. Some are called to be doctors and nurses. Some are called to be teachers and educators. Some are called to administration and organization.
The calling upon each of your lives is powerful and steadfast. As a matter of fact, the Word of God states that in Romans 11:29 – “For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.” Also, the calling is according to HIS purpose. You have not been plucked randomly and obscurely. The calling of God is purposeful. It is a means to an end and the Lord wishes to accomplish some part of His great mission through you. Every day you touch the mission field. Every day you impact the life of someone. You are the CALLED according to HIS purpose. And with that in mind, when you awaken to a fresh new day, you must choose to be aware that He is working everything out for your good. He is weaving your day into purpose through the many decisions you make and words you say and the people you touch. Continue to make a difference. Continue to walk in your calling and watch God shine through your life in ways you never imagined.