Bread Bite: He Restores My Soul
As we continue with our series of inspirational messages and encouragement, Pastor Brock Bruce of Christian Life Church in Mobile, AL, brings you this week’s Southern Cancer Center “Bread Bite”.
Pastor Brock-
Could you use some soul refreshing? It seems that these days are draining us of compassion and hope, peace and strength. It seems that the more we focus on our collective brokenness, the more broken we become. I’m not saying we need to ignore our brokenness, but we need to bring it to the One who can heal it. We need soul refreshing. We need our strength renewed. We need our peace restored. We need our sin forgiven. We need our brokenness healed. We need Jesus. His teaching and his healing, his forgiveness and his mercy, his gospel and his kingdom. We need him to lead us by still waters and refresh our soul.
I’m praying for you today, that in the middle of whatever you are facing, that you would find the refreshing your soul needs. And then that we would point others to that refresher.