Advance care planning lets patients take charge of their healthcare by sharing their preferences and goals ahead of time. This means your independence and wishes are respected, even if you can’t make decisions later. Be sure to talk with your healthcare team and loved ones to ask questions and share what is important to you. By making informed decisions and writing down your preferences, you can make sure your medical wishes are known and followed.
Advance Care Planning Includes:
Choosing a Healthcare Proxy
Pick someone you trust to be your healthcare proxy or medical power of attorney. This person will make medical decisions for you if you can’t, so talk to them about your wishes for your care.
Sharing Your Personal Values
Think about what matters most to you, including your beliefs, culture, and any religious or spiritual preferences. What is important to you? Tell your healthcare team and loved ones about these values, as they can help guide your treatment and end-of-life care. Make sure your values are written down in your advance care planning documents.
Determining Your Treatment Preferences
Discuss options like pain relief, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and clinical trials with your healthcare team. Consider the benefits, risks, side effects, and how each treatment might affect your quality of life.
Evaluating End-of-Life Care Options and Preferences
Talk about end-of-life care options and preferences with your healthcare team. Decide when you wish to proceed with medical services such as resuscitation (CPR), intubation (help breathing with a tube), and artificial feeding and hydration.
Documenting Your Decisions
Your decisions need to be written down in an advance directive or living will. These documents explain your wishes for medical treatment if you can’t speak for yourself. Share copies with your healthcare team, healthcare proxy, and loved ones.
Reviewing and Updating Regularly
Look at your advance care planning documents often, especially if your health changes, new treatment options are recommended, or other life circumstances have changed. Update them as needed to show your current wishes.
Ask Us About Advance Directive Documents
At Southern Cancer Center, we’re here to help guide your care. Forms are available at our clinic—speak to your care team to get started on your advance care planning today. Call Southern Cancer Center at (251) 625-6896 for more information, or (256) 265-1822 for our Huntsville location.