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Dr. Nicole Angel spoke with WKRG News 5 in their monthly medical segment

As a result of the pandemic, multiple issues and concerns have caused patients to delay or miss vital cancer screenings and appointments. March 2020 saw a pronounced drop in screening rates for breast, colon and cervical cancers, which can be attributed to a halt in screening secondary to COVID-19. Screening rates for these three cancer types fell as much as 94% from their average for this time of year. (Study: Preventative Cancer Screenings During COVID-19 Pandemic, May 1, 2020)

On Friday, June 26th, Southern Cancer Center’s Dr. Nicole Angel spoke with WKRG News 5 in their monthly medical segment called “The Doctor Is In” about the dangers in delaying or skipping these routine cancer screenings, and addressed concerns patients may have about visiting their physician during this time.

Dr. Angel had a short TV segment during the noon broadcast, followed by a longer, more in-depth Q&A segment on WKRG’s Facebook Live.

See both of her interviews here: