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Tiffany Mitchem

Southern Cancer Center is proud to announce that our director of pharmacy and admix services, Tiffany Mitchem, PharmD, was recently awarded the “Best Pharmacist in a Medically Integrated Dispensary” award from The US Oncology Network.

Tiffany was chosen for this inaugural award based on her proven ability to lead the way in building a strong oral pharmacy at Southern Cancer Center, and also providing insight and assistance to fellow US Oncology Network practices across the country. Since joining our practice in May 2018, Tiffany continues to flourish in the passionate care and tireless advocacy she provides for our patients. An honor well deserved, congratulations Tiffany!

Southern Cancer Center is an affiliate of The US Oncology Network. This collaboration unites Southern Cancer Center with more than 1,400 independent physicians dedicated to delivering value-based, integrated care for patients – close to home. Through The US Oncology Network, these independent doctors come together to form a community of shared expertise and resources dedicated to advancing local cancer care and to delivering better patient outcomes.